Our strategy
Our strategy sets out where we want to be and how we will get there together, with a shared purpose, vision, aims and objectives.
This strategy has been developed differently from those we have created over previous years; we have taken more time to engage our staff and patients to understand how they are feeling after what has been an incredibly difficult and, in some cases, life-changing few years.
More than 40 engagement meetings and workshops were held with managers and staff representatives from across the organisation, and additional sessions involving the Patient and Public Panel (PPP) were conducted to make sure the voices of staff and patients shaped the content of this strategy. This has resulted in a strategy that everyone at NWAS can be proud of.
In May 2023, the trust board approved the refresh of the 2022-2025 strategy, identifying that in the annual plan for 2023-2024 there will be an emphasis on urgent and emergency care recovery, Freedom to Speak Up and creating a safe working environment free from discrimination.
Take a look at our strategy 2022-2025 to read more, or our trust strategy in an easy read format here.
Our values
Our values underpin all that we do.