The Race Equality Network was formed in 2021 in the wake of a social movement for equality in justice, health, and equity within the workplace. Evolving from the NWAS BME Forum, the Network has set out to be a support to staff from ethnic minority backgrounds, a guide to management and a source of support to the Widening Access and Positive Action teams. The foundation of the Network is set with these key aims:
- To support staff
- To improve education and awareness of race equality issues
- To improve health outcomes for people from ethnic minority backgrounds
- To improve representation of ethnic minority groups within NWAS and to create opportunities for career development
- To celebrate our diverse workforce and collaborate with other staff networks to create an environment where staff are able to bring themselves to work

The Network welcomes input from all staff who wish to support us with our aims. We offer a safe space for people to share concerns and provide an opportunity to develop your understanding of race equality issues.
For further information, please contact the Race Equality Network at [email protected] or follow on Twitter @NWAmb_Equality.