Growing up we are taught about lots of potential dangers such as being safe when walking near the road, but did you know that most accidents happen at home? Many of these accidents are preventable by understanding potential dangers around the house.
The most common accidents in the house are trips and falls, burns and scalds, cuts and poisoning.
Here are some tips that you should follow to look after yourself at home:
Burns and scalds
- When having a bath, always check the temperature first before getting in and make sure you add plenty of cold water first.
- Did you know a hot drink can scald you up to 15 minutes after it was made – make sure you wait a while before picking it up?
- Keep away from the oven rings.
- Always get an adult to use any matches and lighters, not only could it hurt you but could also cause fires in the house.
Trips and falls
- Go up and down the stairs slowly and carefully, rather than running as you could end up falling and really hurting yourself.
- Be tidy! Shoes and bags that are in the way could cause trip hazards around the home.
- Keep tidy but leave the cleaning to an adult! Cleaning products can be poisonous.
- If you are hurt and need medicine to make you better always ask your parent or guardian for help.
- Don’t walk around the house carrying scissors or knives in case you fall and cut yourself.
- Be careful when playing near furniture, you may not realise but they have sharp corners and if you bang your head could cause a lot of pain.
By being safe around the house you could prevent yourself from having an accident and needing treatment. You can find more information on the NHS website.