Two new projects within the trust are finalists in three categories. The NWAS 111 Call Improvement Project has been shortlisted in Improving Urgent and Emergency Care through Digital and Digital Organisation of the Year categories, and our Electronic Patient Record (EPR) programme has been shortlisted in the Improving Out-of-Hospital Care through Digital category.
The HSJ Digital Awards recognise innovative digital projects that are transforming care delivery, enhancing efficiency, and improving patient outcomes. This year’s awards received 343 entries, with 165 projects and individuals meriting inclusion on the final shortlist.
The 111 Call Improvement Project has introduced a system that allows patients phoning the NHS 111 service to input their details online while they are waiting to speak to a call handler. They will also receive health advice via text message after the call as a reminder of what they have been told over the phone. All this has led to the trust being able to answer more calls in a timely manner and improving the patient experience.
With the EPR programme, we have developed a progressive web-application supporting the digitisation of frontline clinicians, enabling accessibility of clinical records for both NWAS and other key stakeholders. The project required developing an exceptional user interface to maximise the user experience. In addition, design and planning of innovative features such as an integrated GP Connect viewer gives real-time access to patient information stored by general practitioners to support clinical decision-making.
Dan Ainsworth, Director of Integrated Contact Centres, said, “The digital advancements have been a real success story for the NHS 111 service in the North West. Call times have been reduced, meaning patients are waiting less time to speak to one of our health advisors. Equally, they are finding there’s less repetition while confirming their details, which is less frustrating for them and the call handler. It also means that they are less likely to be put off using the service in favour of less appropriate healthcare services like using the 999 emergency number.”
Jenny Wharton, Chief Information Officer, said, “We are delighted the EPR project has made the shortlist. Being a finalist is a huge ‘pat on the back’ for our amazingly hard-working and deserving team. “Our staff always go above and beyond to improve patient outcomes and the quality of service and care, and this really allows us to share our success and what we’ve learnt through implementing our project.”
HSJ Editor Alastair McLellan adds, “It always gives me great pleasure to congratulate our finalists at this stage of the judging process, and this year is no exception.
“We can’t wait to welcome our finalists to the awards ceremony in June, where we will celebrate their impressive achievements and jointly acknowledge our values of sharing best practices, improving patient outcomes, and continuously driving for better service.”
The finalists have now been invited to present their entries to the judges and explain why they deserve to win. The winners will then be selected and announced at a ceremony at the Manchester Central Convention Complex on 6 June 2024.